Thursday, March 03, 2011

Day of the Dead

If you were my facebook friend you would know that i have a flu of some kind and a's one of those kinds of flus that, with a lot of drugs, you can sit up and paint or type on facebook and blogspot. You would know all about this because i talk about how sick i am incessantly. It's what i do. don't judge...


Anonymous said...

Feel better soon.

LOVE this one!

Tami Cohen said...

if i lived closer, i'd bring you soup. if i were a less lazy person, i'd do it anyway. i hope you feel better soon x

this is amazing. how you make rotted flesh look beautiful... amazing!

Michelle said...

Hi Adrienne! Glad that you stopped by and thank you for the nice comment. I haven't been by your blog in a while either and WOW! You really have a lot of fantastic stuff up here. Love the cards, and coloring book, AND the boxes, and everything. Really cool.

Coreopsis said...

Wow--it's been so long since I've looked at your site. It's great to see that you're still making fabulous pictures (though this one kindof creeps me out a little bit). Great work, and fun to see it again!

I hope you're feeling better!

diane said...

hello from a new follower!

two things:

one...i just got over a funky flu + can relate to your angst. hoping you feel better as soon as possible!

two...the illustration in this post is gorgeous.

adrienne trafford said...

hi Michelle and thanks!

Hi new follower Diane - thank you and i'm now following you as well! and i'm glad you're feeling better - i have pneumonia now so am on a super duper antibiotic that is making me sick - fun times!! i just want to draw something but can barely type...wish i had a time machine to propel me forward about a week!