Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bloggy Anniversary!!

Well, this is just a quick blurb to mention that my Blog's 4th year anniversary is coming up in 23 days!! FOUR YEARS!! (had to count on my fingers from Aug, 2006 to now just to make sure of that) wow, i'm so proud!...So anyway, there will be prizes and stuff...haven't decided what yet but it will be cool. promise.

meanwhile, here's a cat i want - could you get me this for my bloggy anniversary? i would love you forev...


Unknown said...

FOUR YEARS!?? you rule!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog-iversary!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty awesome! I wish I could say I kept up with mine for that long. I used to when I was in high school, I was all about livejournal. I want to fix up my blog and actually post something daily/weekly. Go you! Congratulations!

pinkglitterfae said...

Wow, almost 4 years, that's amazing!
cute little kitteh, I would love to get him for you, but I'd be tempted to keep him, lol!

Liz Revit said...

Adrienne, that's fantastic! We're looking for many more years of successful blogging.

SilverWings said...

That is a disgruntled looking kitteh! What kind is it?

Happy upcoming Blogiversary!

roberto M. said...

Hi Adrienne, I congratulate you in advance. four years is enough, no?
but I wish you many more years with your blog.