Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Amish House (SOLD)

here are some Amish buildings near my house...

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Michelle said...

Hey, you have a new profile photo. Now I can put a face to the art. :-). Cute glasses! (from one four-eyed blonde to another)

adrienne trafford said...

i changed it already! it's so horrible - what was i thinking??? i took about a million pics the other night - hoping at least one would be ok...hahaha - oh well, not to be! (i like your glasses too!)

Michelle said...

You're funny! The first picture you had up was good, too. We're always our own worst critics, aren't we?

adrienne trafford said...

this one hides my face a little more i think...haha! and you're right about being our worst critics....i must go peek and see what lovely things you are posting in your blog...