The Hudson drifts behind her...
wow. Two cool words in a row...this week's Illustration Friday word is "drifting"...i kind of feel like i've been doing that myself this whole week - drifting in and out of real world vs. book world. I read The Good Life by Jay McInerney - mostly about what happened to relationships after the twin towers came down. I'm stating the obvious but many New Yorkers (as well as out of towners) were drifting around like ghosts after this happened. Many knew people that were lost, many were almost lost. On my trips to NYC right after this happened i watched the New Yorkers, their sleek urban veneer still intact yet their hearts visibly damaged. You could feel it. I will never forget it. Even as time drifts passed this terrible event.
My young woman (influenced by Tamara deLempicka) is hopeful about going back into the city, damaged heart and all.
Oh what a great word. Maybe it applies to me this week more than the actual illustration. Maybe i'll try to do one that is more apparent. i think i visualize it already.